Saturday, June 20, 2009

Clint eastwood,our western heros

This is one of my favorites so far.I found a bunch of dilapidated books to be thrown away as garbage .I saw books dating back to 1909,very unreadable and the binding torn.,however I was able to salvage and keep the cover sheets.This old cream paper from 1909 seemed a perfect match for my western hero.

Clint Eastwood


  1. I agree, great use of the old paper. You have really captured Western Clint and the train in the background is fab.

  2. Oh wow! This is an epic! The amount of details is just amazing and no words to describe the depth in this one. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.

  3. The new blog design is nice, but the text on the banner is a little harder to read, so maybe a different color would be nice, I don't know really.

  4. Great idea using the old paper. Clint is bad to the bone!!


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